since i'm waiting for my hair to dry, i thought i'd blog (at this hour if you noticed). i'm on leave tml! not official though, and it hasn't been approved. i think i'm famous for my urgent leaves. wish me luck!
wonderful trip this time.
minor jam at the customs caused a slight delay, and we reached first world at 6.30am, the latest of all the trips so far. hobbled all the way (toe still hurts) into the casino, and very sadly, no guards asked for my passport. tsk. i shall ignore the gambling part, even though i lost rm300 overall. =\
wanted to check in after lunch. system kept hanging, and we were left standing for more than an hour. pics to prove i was bored.
didn't manage to go shopping until the last day. bought some presents for office gift exchange, and some for myself. triangels! this was cheaper than the one i previously bought, but that was nicer and more original than this 'mass-produced' one. ah wells.
[caption id="attachment_1557" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="黑色的缘分天使代表迷恋中的爱情:想你,深深地想你"]

so cute! have been wanting one. finally found! bring me more luck please!
on the day of departure, our 2pm bus was delayed by two hours due to the heavy rain and slow traffic. sleep was also more or less disturbed by the few noisy toddlers on board the bus. dinner was at 9pm, and NOT at yongpeng. i wants their fishball noodle. =(
by the time we reach home, it was already 1am. tsk.
if you're wondering why i said this trip was wonderful, no i'm not being sarcastic. see!
previously we were told we can't redeem it, but we managed to find a way round that rule. so me and dad went to watch.
the show was quite disappointing actually. it was mainly full of magic tricks and acrobats. nothing fascinating if you're bored of those. unfortunately, the big cats and 2 dogs merely made brief appearances. lucky we didn't have to pay for those tickets. oh yeah, they din even allow photography. =(
but at the end of the show, we paid rm60 for...
if anyone bothers to remember that my favorite animal is the white tiger, you can imagine how super duper excited i was! (p/s. you can ignore our retarded faces thanks.)
it looked so sleek and beautiful when it was 'performing'. up close, its coat was very clean and white. i like the paws. see how they hang over the edge so daintily? it's huge in size, and simply SO DAMN GORGEOUS lah! it laid like, 2 feet away from us and its tail was only inches away from me! don't you just feel like cuddling up to it? lols. (",)
apparently they (trainers were cute too) trained it to pose, cos when it looked away, one of them tapped its nose and it looked back to the cameras. it didn't look affected by the flash lights too. it even knew which cam to look at. (-_-)
the white lion isn't so tame though. people could only take photos while it remained in the cage, which explains why the tiger has a longer queue than the lion. i thought i saw the lion look abit hurt by that. hmmmm. the lion was pretty too. everything, including the mane, was white. i have to say it is my first time seeing it.
on one hand, i feel sad for them cos they're being trained for circus tricks and are somehow treated like display items in an exhibition, letting guests to take photos and gush over. but on a selfish note, where else can you find such an opportunity to be so close to one?
the tiger looks rather relaxed and happy, so that should lessen my guilt a little. right?
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