i'm back from the trip! been up to genting countless times but prolly this is one of the 'fun-er' times. lols.
24th / 25th
headed to bukit panjang plaza with mild headache. had ah ma and my parents to send us (me+bro+2 aunts) off. the bus was 18-seater one leh. shiok sia. realized the whole group of ah mas and ah gongs were waiting for the 4 of us. paiseh! lol.
after customs, i took out my mp3 and settled down for sleep, when...my mp3 died on me. =.= like, wtf can!? i knew it wasn't functioning well, but i sure didn't expect it to completely die on me, right in the beginning of the trip! haiz. and now i gotta save up for a new one. blehs.
i couldn't sleep AT ALL. not without my music, and with the throbbing headache no matter which side i turn. sho sad. but at least i got to see the night lights. quite pretty. anyway, i was expecting to reach up there around 4 plus in the morning, but we reached there at 3 plus. the driver drove through the bends as though they were straight expressways. woah freaked me out man. i seriously was expecting a crash any minute. zzZz.
and i thought the counters would be open at 6, but nooooo.. we had to wait till 9. haish. so fun. 6 hrs. =D
after stoning for a couple of hours, my tummy was growling from no lunch and dinner the previous day. so we went for breakfast. first, i'm actually having breakfast, when usually i'll either be asleep or about to sleep. second, i'm having breakfast at a freaking 6am!!! lols.
hate to say this, but the food really sucked. (sidenote: i actually had to eat the same stuff for breakfast for 3 consecutive days.) oh wells. we ate breakfast till 9 plus. pro eh? lol. got the window seat and look! sunrise!

finally got a room, and we all went in to rest. the view was kinda nice. shows the outdoor theme park. random pic~
not sure why i took it though. =P
once the rooms were cleaned, we slept. lol. all the way to 2 plus in the afternoon. half a day gone. lalala~
walked around the shops, and finally settled for the arcade. found the flintstone game which i haven't played for ages. i remembered it gave a pretty nice amount of tickets, and i suddenly felt like having some toy to hug, so we played that one. hmm.
watched mr bean's holiday. okay only lah.
went back after dinner and slept early. end of day 1. LOL.
went for breakfast early in the morning. then went to meet gary. thanks for coming up all the way! feel bad to make you skip so many classes though. =)
was supposed to go outdoor theme park, but dunno why the rest dowan. sad. there were a couple of rides which i was longing to go on. hmm. neverminds. we walked around awhile, then me and gary went off on our own.
we went to the arcade and finished off getting the rest of the tickets. i got my elephant! gary actually managed to hit bonus for one of the games. li hai lor. but hor, is LUCK lor. =D and then we went outside. came to this rather nice 'garden', with loads of flowers. the view was pweety too! din know there was such a place. need to let my aunt know. she loves flowers. lols.
pic! erms, there are flowers, just that my cam phone can't capture them.
went back room slack an hour or so. erms, weird atmosphere in the room. the 4 of us..got tension sia. =X scary..
went back to the arcade. my aunt wanted the monkey. so they continued playing flintstone while me and gary went starbucks.
yeah i know i look weird. blehs. tired mah! =\
i totally stoned off while watching the show later on in the room. i think everyone was kinda tired, but nobody wanna say anything. LOL.
end of day 2. =P
last day! one of my aunts wanted to chiong the night and morning away in the casino, which leaves the remaining 4 of us. had breakfast (again). seriously, i eat until abit xin ku lor. no scrambled egg somemore! lols.
surprisingly, my aunt shooed me and gary off after that. i wonder why. =X we went back to the 'garden' outside. i kinda like that place man. hahas.
went back room, stoned, cleaned up abit, then it was time to go home.
hmms. i pretty much enjoyed myself this trip, probably because it was nice having a different company for a change. it was always either of my aunts accompanying me walking around indoors. haven't been outdoors for some time. i like it outside. hehe.
oh wells. now that play is over, it's time i should seriously start looking for a job eh? sad. i want play longer! 8D
i totally stoned off while watching the show later on in the room. i think everyone was kinda tired, but nobody wanna say anything. LOL.
end of day 2. =P
last day! one of my aunts wanted to chiong the night and morning away in the casino, which leaves the remaining 4 of us. had breakfast (again). seriously, i eat until abit xin ku lor. no scrambled egg somemore! lols.
surprisingly, my aunt shooed me and gary off after that. i wonder why. =X we went back to the 'garden' outside. i kinda like that place man. hahas.
went back room, stoned, cleaned up abit, then it was time to go home.
hmms. i pretty much enjoyed myself this trip, probably because it was nice having a different company for a change. it was always either of my aunts accompanying me walking around indoors. haven't been outdoors for some time. i like it outside. hehe.
oh wells. now that play is over, it's time i should seriously start looking for a job eh? sad. i want play longer! 8D
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