met up with anton early this morning. the place was freaking far and inconvenient, and the weather was so hot! sweating like mad when i finally reached. grrr.
for the next 45 mins or so, he explained to me in detail on the job offers and i must admit, they certainly are tempting me. especially the flexi timings - can go study part-time! provided both sides accept me lor. *cross fingers* am dreading tendering my resignation though. knowing hel, i'm pretty sure it's gonna be dramatic. sheesh.
anyway, then met SSD for lunch and movie! *happy*

was watching that trailer last night and for some reason, i found it super hilarious. i just couldn't stop laughing! lols.
the show itself was not too bad. there were quite a few scenes which i've seen in various trailers already, so i didn't find them as funny as before. nevertheless, i enjoyed it. the minions are so cute! and on gru turning from villian to model dad at the end, it was heartwarming, but unexpected.
sighhh. so many movies i wanna watch - last airbender, sorcerer's apprentice, cats & dogs, triple tap... how i wish it would rain money! =|
popped down funan to get SSD's harddisk thumbdrive. came across this perfume shop having sale.
finally got what i was waiting for (2 years ago)! (1) it's pink! (2) bottle is so pretty! (3) smells so so nice! (4) it's practically selling at half price! so yep, mee is happy. :D SSD got his hugo boss too. took uber long for him to decide. tsk tsk.
slacked near boat quay for awhile, when we saw mini fireworks from the NDP rehearsal. so we decided to move nearer the esplanade, hoping there'll be more.
and there was! full-scale fireworks display!
not many nice shots even though both of us were taking. satio baby....just isn't good for fireworks. i guess i'm gonna have to resort to video-taking at the actual NDP next month. lalala~
still feeling guilty about tomorrow. next week ok? sorry 老公!
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