Tuesday, December 4, 2007

the hermit

after he called me last night and said a whole lot of stuff (as usual), i was feeling really really confused. i didn't know if i should continue to bear with it until he goes back, or tell him the truth and settle it once and for all. so i consulted my tarot cards.i felt an exhilarating rush of emotions as i was shuffling the cards, repeatedly asking them "what should i do?" tears were threatening to spill as i picked my card. however, the moment i turned it over and saw what it was, i felt calmer. it was the hermit. this card represents a time and a need to be left alone. to think, to decide. and more than often, after this period of solitude, the decisions made will be the right ones.

to those that truly believe in the power of tarots, i was no different. i asked him for some time, to carefully consider our options. does he really want to possess me in the name of love, or should he let me go so that i'll be happier? our talk ended up with the usual conclusion "let's talk about something else." sighx.

but this afternoon, he told me "maybe we should take some time to cool down." again, a wave of emotions swept over me. not from him, but from the fact that the tarot has been spot on. although i'm already a believer of tarots, i think this incident has made me more convinced that the tarot is the one that can help me in my life, as long as i channel my full energy into it. it has also given me greater confidence on my path to becoming a tarot reader. thank you my tarots!

last but not least, job interview tml. the place is f***king far from mrt station, so i'll have to cab there. let's hope i get both the job, and a cheaper alternative. =]

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