it's been so tiring last week - sleeping 4.5hr nights and working 10hr days. yep, i've finally found a chance at events! well...sort of. =X
first impressions. environment. the office is small, but in a way, homely and cosy. kinda in
so far, i haven't felt any reluctance to go to work in the morning despite the 1hr 15mins journey, and hopefully this won't change when the shows start. =| anyway, you gain some, you also lose some. truth be told, the pay and benefits are not encouraging at all. although it's somehow understandable since it's a non-profit organization. oh wells. i guess it's not really a long-term place after all.
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finally went shopping at bugis street yesterday! don't know if i've said this before, but i have a love-hate relationship with that place. love because the clothes are on the cheaper side. but hate because there's usually no trying and i have horrible estimation of whether the clothes can fit. so if anyone wants to help me clear them off, you're most welcome to do so. lols.
'celebrated' aunts' birthday as well. it was supposed to be a buffet but due to last min booking, NO MORE SPACE! T_T had to be postponed to next week so we had to make do with eating at home. not saying that it isn't nice, but i was kinda craving for sashimi. :(

p/s. was at bugis+ too and they had this board with photos taken by canon cameras, and the photos at the food photography section was just....crap! i mean, if they're showcasing how clear and sharp and zoom-ed in they are, then i got nothing to say. but if otherwise, i bet even a beginner like me can win them hands down. really dunno what poop they shooting. tsk.
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