like many people, i've recently been hooked on the local drama series - 'marry me'. i usually hate local productions cos the acting and storyline sucks. either i've run out of tvb shows to watch, or they've upgraded. lol.
anyway, was at marina square for dinner last week and decided upon olive vine. drawn to it due to the affordable pastas and they were quite good! totally a sucker for creamy pasta. =\ i liked the mushroom soup (got croutons one!) and the chocolate cake too! definitely a good alternative to pastamania.

looking forward to a peaceful (hopefully) week ahead. cos ah tiong colleague is on leave for 3 days and friday is a public holiday! yes, it's no secret i freaking hate that backstabbing bitch. but who cares. the way i see it, she's digging her own grave. *shrugs*
p/s. popo has been feeling under the weather recently and i'm so worried about her. it's funny how i hesitate seeing the doc when i'm sick, but when she woke up with a swollen eye i call up the vet within 10 mins. hais.
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