Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
我觉得自己越来越厌倦和他出门。每次跟他在一起,他不是谈他公司的事,就是推销他们的产品,不然就是换个方式批评我不懂得照顾自己和家人。说什么“教育很重要”。用在我父母身上,不就是说他们什么都不懂?不觉得这样很没礼貌吗?._. 他讲我就算了,但有什么资格批评我家人和朋友?我开始怀疑他每次约我的理由。
咳~ 我觉得我这样说他是有点过分,但是我真的不喜欢别人要我怎样怎样“教育”我父母。>:(
Saturday, July 26, 2008
是因为不只男人怕输,女人更怕输。所以很多事情都不敢说出来,因为怕会失望。而我呢,最喜欢对上天说,因为就算怎么样输,上天也不会笑我。- 水臂臂 《溏心风暴》
咳~~ 这么快就过了三天。在多五天就要开工了,有点不想。哈哈!虽然说休息是为了走更远的路,但太多的假期只会让懒惰的我越来越懒。现在还真有点后悔,应该多做几天。*_* 我看我还是争取最后几天,休息多一点,做多一点平时没时间做的事吧。
p/s. 抱歉。不过我既然答应了,就会陪你看《赤壁》的。
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
别提伤心事了。好想去看《10 promises to my dog》,《钱不够用2》和《the mummy》!有没有人要看?约我约我!
五点三十分,再见了,President's Office。
七月不是还没到吗?怎么那么快就...?嗨~ 还是别自己吓自己了。
Sunday, July 20, 2008
ndp 08
... the orchid. :)
we're all in red cos we're going for ndp at marina. lol. i think it's been almost 10 years since i last went down to watch the ndp on site. pretty excited. i wanna see fireworks! lolx.
it started drizzling the moment we reached. we tried to tahan with umbrella, but when it got heavier, we succumbed and took out the ugly raincoats instead. >.< lucky it stopped before the show started. (though it rained again nearing the end.)
p/s. loads of army/police personnel along the way + marching contingent. die die die! i think i'm attracted to guys in uniform. 认真的男人好~~帅啊!=x
Saturday, July 19, 2008
friday night out
went out for dinner with aunt B & N at ...
@ suntec. aunt B's treat! lucky mee. ^_^ it was my first time at tony roma's (yes me suaku), and from now on, i'll eat here instead of jack's place. atmosphere, service and food wins the latter hands down. sad thing is, it's pricier though. ):
i think tony's famous for their ribs, but since neither of us like them, we had the steak combo instead. i love that bbq chicken. there's this faint but nice sweet honey-ey taste. dory fillet and shrimps taste...normal. lolx. steak (yes i don't know which type) was very nice and tender. medium rare ftw! i like their baked potato too. it doesn't look appetizing, but it's really good. besides the normal sour cream and bacon bits, they added cheese, and i love cheese!
had initially planned to go pubbing after that, cos it's near harry's. i missed my long island. since there's this promotion ...
i had my long island after all!!
after my glass, i also drank half of aunt N's, as she complained it was too bitter for her. i dared aunt B to get bloody mary; she didn't dare to. she doesn't believe bloody mary has tabasco in it. =.=
went carrefour after that. i think we were all quite high (from alcohol+fun). we knew it closed at 11pm today, but my aunt still went to ask one of the young promoters. he was embarrassed when he didn't know. then my aunt said, "you don't know i tell you lor. it closes at 11." three of us started giggling. lol. poor him. i thought he looked quite cute though. tsk.
bought sushi but they were asleep when i reached home. bro ate everything. that pig. lol. another long day tml. tireds.
(p/s. i think i'm gonna get a dcam within the next few months. phone cam cmi sia. any recommendations? i want pink color de!)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
coffee, tea or me?
how i wish i can have a nice, hot cup of mocha or latte every morning. macdonald's coffee sucks. lolx.
did you know?
The average person who buys coffee outside the office to consume at work will spend the equivalent value of a round trip plane ticket to Florida every year.
omg. i suppose this is called 积少成多. lolx.
while on the bus this morning, i saw quite alot of people reading. i was wondering why, since it's still the hols at ntu, when i noticed the books seemed similar. i glanced at the nearest one, and guess what book it was?
some sort of christian workbook. you know, the kind where you have to fill in the blanks? there was even one girl who was flipping through the bible (looking for answers i presume). it struck me as amusing. go church also need to do homework one meh? and it looked like they were all busy mugging last minute for some sort of test or exam. for what? to make them remember the bible? if they really believe in their religion, don't need test they also will remember right?
i hope no one feels offended by this. or maybe i misunderstood, since i'm only an onlooker. come to think of it, i'm also trying to remember the meanings of the cards of the tarot. but then again, the tarot isn't considered a religion... is it?
boring boring day~
yet another uneventful day at work today. slacked all the way to noon, where i had to rush out copies and copies of documents for a very impatient professor. i hate it when they send over stuff so last minute. they think i can print/photocopy/sort/file 4 sets of them (nearly 100 pages each) in 5 minutes or something? grrrr!
backlog shredding. i had painstakingly shredded piles and piles of unwanted documents from the 3 trashbags brought in from provost's house, and when i'm almost done, L brings in more unwanted docs from her side! this pile can 'last' me at least a week; there's just so much that stupid shredder can hold. =(
my table was nice and empty in the morning. despite the mad rush during noon, i still managed to clear the stuff after lunch. but guess what came in in the evening.
lucky she's on leave tml, so i can slowly complete my work. :)
here's a japanese horoscope thingy for you to try if you're too free.
You are Gold Raccoon, who display an easy outlook, and are very graceful.
You give an impression of typical traditional Japanese women.
You are always quiet, and will not speak out your thoughts openly.
Your modesty and gracefulness will avoid friction, and will be able to make the harsh atmosphere turn friendly.
You tend to forget things easily and make easy promises.
But your cheerful and active character pays for those weak points.
It may be a good idea if you take notes.
You don't think things seriously, and people may think you to be too indifferent.
This may be a good thing to do sometimes, but it may also result in you losing important things and people.
But once you set an objective, your concentration is amazing.
Once you start on something, you will accomplish the goal no matter what.
Unlike your pretty atmosphere, in real life, you are very active person, and although you may look sensitive, you have great nerve and guts.
You also possess observing eyes towards people, and have great talent and know how to get on in life.
You act as though you are weak towards men, but really you are the one manipulating them successfully.
You are likely to make your husband a dominating one.
You are more interested in your career than your love life.
But once you fall in love, you get extremely passionate, and will attack with all your heart and mind and strength.
After getting married, you will put all your energy into your family.
was supposed to meet mummy for dinner at imm after work. upon reaching there and almost completing my shopping, she told me she not coming. PANG SEH SIA!! then i gotta make my own way back. lucky never wear heels today.
*rants* i wanna eat tony roma's, jap at 日本村, watch 10 promises to my dog, and meet up with sasa before she disappears again. someone remind me, why are there only 24 hours in a day?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Mayonnaise Jar and 2 cups of coffee
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar... and the 2 cups of coffee..
A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golfballs. He asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly, and the pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full; they agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous 'yes.'
The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand.
The students laughed.
'Now,' said the professor, as the laughter subsided, 'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things: your God,your family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favourite passions-- things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter--like your job, your house, and your car. The sand is everything else: the small stuff.'
'If you put the sand into the jar first,' he continued, 'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.'
The same goes for life.
If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.
One of the students raised his hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. 'I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.'
got this from W's blog. "when one has a boyfriend, will she lose her friends along the way?" ask me this a year ago, and i would have said no. very similar to her, i've always thought that as friends, we should be happy for them if they are able to find someone who might just be that lifetime partner of theirs. just because we don't see it, it doesn't mean they're not putting in effort to make the relationship work. shouldn't we be a little more understanding? besides, if we have confidence that our friendship is for real, why should we feel neglected or uncherished? if we have confidence that our friendship is for a lifetime, why should we disregard a friend or even sever the friendship?
a year and many experiences later, i realized i took for granted that my beliefs worked for others as well. friends whom i thought were for a lifetime, simply didn't see it that way. friends whom i thought would understand my feelings, simply didn't care. no, i'm not blaming anyone, but myself. especially after reading the above story, it made me realize that i cannot force my personal opinions on others. just because i think they shouldn't mind, doesn't mean they don't. just because i think they should understand, doesn't mean they do.
i admit poor time management back then was fault on my part, but i guess in actual fact, you're no longer a friend if you cannot make it for weekly outings or gatherings anymore. eh?
W has always been the one i could relate to ever since my initial working days, despite our nearly 10-year (??) age difference. we're similar in many ways, and unbelievably, i'm stuck in the same situation as her. we both accidentally lost a very good friend. despite trying to get the friendship back, we decided to forgo it in the end.
that friend i lost. yes i miss her. yes i miss those times. we both trusted each other to understand, but hey, fact remains the trust has been broken. if we're both happy this way, so be it then. honestly speaking, i'd rather spend time perfecting current friendships then to harp on one that's lost and forgotten. nevertheless, thanks, and i wish her the best in everything she does. :)
long gloomy post. my bad. let's brighten things up.
can't wait for next thurs - the start of my one week break before i move over to RT on 1st aug. it's been a long while since i can officially take such a long break. ^_^ shall be using it to catch up on shopping and outings. jio meee~! lolx.
now for more random stuff. FTLY is getting boring, so i've moved on to others. rewatched all 3 series of kindaichi (matsumoto jun kawaii!!), and is currently watching detective conan. the live version of it uses oguri shun! he's the one that played hanazawa rui in hana yori dango. super shuai ne! too bad in the anime, shinichi turns into a kid at the end of the first episode, so even if they made more live versions, oguri shun won't be in it anymore. i love detective shows! hehx.
yes i'm still playing maple. yes i'm still playing audition. it adds a teeny weeny bit more life into my no-life working life. hmmm.. o.O
oh wells. i'm off. i should stop blogging in the office. lol!
Monday, July 14, 2008
private messages
to zhuzhu
hey girl, i read your blog. sorry to hear about it. i know how you feel cos i've been through it before.
i don't know what kind of words i can say, as back then they didn't mean much to me. but for formalities' sake: cheer up, don't think so much, and he's happier now. i hope you can take comfort in knowing you were with him till the very end. that was something i regret even now.
have a good cry. it always works for me. he may not be with you physically, but he'll always be in your memories. find me if ever you need a listening ear. :)
(i hope you know that i'm putting all this here, hoping you'll read it, is because i find it too mushy to say it face to face. =.=)
stay strong girl.
to him
i miss you. so much. still.
levelled to 123, after sooo long. almost 2 months! lolx. no screenies cos i forgot. seriously. put on INT gear before i levelled, but perhaps it wasn't enough, so mp increase wasn't that significant. maybe i can try scrolling more int gear when i'm richer. hehex.
putting off DP for yet another level. is it THAT hard to find a party for elnath pq? tsk. :(
is it just me?
singnet wireless sucks. totally. i'm so pissed off with the frequent disconnections, especially when i'm trying to load my anime. each time it disconnects, i have to reload the whole episode AGAIN! it gets worse at night. >.> is it just me, or is anyone else experiencing the same thing?
Friday, July 11, 2008
random post
random #1
finally leaving ntu. finally got another job. complex job scope. wish me luck! :)
random #2
don't you just hate bus drivers who drive so freaking fast and jam-brake when they reach a stop? especially when you have no place to sit and are clinging on for dear life! tsk tsk.
random #3
dinner last night: 7.15pm
dinner tonight: 7.45pm
in-between: no food at all! lolx.
random #4
super shag. but satisfied. rescaped planted shrimp tank. *my poor back* will update journal when i'm free-er. =P
random #5
tml-sushi-fondue. MUACKS.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
每当夜归时,都会越来越相信自己是天生的夜猫子。不论几点睡,早上都没精神。不管几点起身,晚上都无法提早入睡。*叹* 有没有什么又好玩,薪水又合理的夜间工作可以介绍啊?
Monday, July 7, 2008
movie with yh
no comment. comedy, check. action, check. touching, check. you decide.
i should never try to buy weekend tickets 20 minutes before the movie is supposed to start. yh wanted to watch 10 promises to my dog, but i'm watching with the gals. wanted to watch get smart, but sold out. wanted to watch wanted, but no good seats. ho sey la! ended up watching hancock, one hour later. -_-''
the only good thing i can think of currently for credit cards, is the ability to book those tickets online! tsk. (btw, yh has lobang for hsbc credit card applications. interested parties may contact me. lol.)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
i hate my 'boss' (yes really)
my office is filled with weirdos. honestly. and i'm glad esther shares this sentiment with me. both of us are desperately looking for new jobs (okay maybe she's not that desperate as me) because we cannot stand working here! her boss sucks. i know because i've worked for him before. but esther shocked me again just now.
him: *intercoms* esther can you get me some liquid paper?
e: it's in your drawer.
him: can you come get it for me?
e: *went inside room, got it for him*
him: can you help me blanco this word?
e/me: *o.O*
another one.
*runs to 5th floor to find esther*
him: can you help me make an overseas call?
*goes back 2nd floor*
e: my idd hasn't been activated. i can't call overseas.
him: ok nevermind, i use my handphone.
e/me: *-_-*
he's f**king lazy and impatient. kill me for saying this, but yeah. and i'm not the only one who thinks so.
that's her boss. we're similar, cos my boss sucks too. not really my boss, but my 'boss'. lol. i hate it when she thinks she's everything and everyone has to listen to her. i hate it when she delays documents. i hate it when she does everything last minute. i hate it when i enquire about something and she goes to scold the person who enquired me about it. who gets it in the end?
me! *argh*
when i'm active, i'm taking matters into my own hands. when i'm passive, i'm not responsible enough. ho-ho-ho how exciting! (sarcasm) i have no problem doing things for susie or tony because they simply leave it to me to settle it. if i have to use her method to get things done, i have to be mean like her. i wonder why susie has 3 full-time staff and she only has 1 temp staff (poor me) willing to work for her. (sarcasm again)
i'd love to see the look on her face when i finally can tender my resignation. oh god please let me find a better job soon!
finally finished watching ying ye 3 + 1. i find it kinda lame because the love between XT and AJ is so strong that it becomes unrealistic. sure they grew up together. sure she liked him since she was 12. sure he's always protected her. but to the point of appearing on national tv for him? to the point of jumping 8 stories for him? to the point of giving up everything for him?
maybe it's just pessimistic me. i'd believe if it was a dog doing it for his owner. otherwise, no way man.
and i cannot stand qiaoen forever having tears in her eyes. i thought she in FTLY was bad enough. this was worse. it's as if every time AJ talks to her, her eyes well up with tears. bth!
only thing i like about this show is how the team works together to solve problems and how each member understands, sticks by and cares for one another. oh and qiaoen's hair. she sported the same bangs in FTLY and YY3+1. made me so tempted to get bangs and curls too. mehhx.
i realize it's so much easier to blog in english. -_-'' maybe i'll switch back and only blog in chinese when i'm emo-ing. :p