Looking forward to the Yfest Swop Shop at Esplanade to find some treasures for free!
Dove is giving free Dove Hair Fall Rescue Hair Tonic starter kits! Share ur hair fall story now!
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just thought i'd pen this down before i forgot.
celebrated bro's birthday last saturday at park royal's plaza brasserie. the place sounded super familiar but it wasn't until when we reached did i realize i was there before! was there with the ex-kolics last time. it didn't really leave a good impression cos of the variety of dishes available. and not surprisingly, it failed to impress me, again. BUT! the others seemed to enjoy it, so i presume it's a pescetarian's problem. lol.

as you can see, they have normal stuff like salmon sashimi, prawns, scallops, chilli crabs, oysters etc etc. but they really have very little cooked dishes and they all looked darn unappetizing. so i had salad and prata and potato salad twice. lol. not cheap too; $55++ per pax. tsk.
sunday was movie-day. SSD had free tickets to the movie what to expect when you're expecting, complete with popcorn/hot dog and drinks! i would never have paid to watch these kind of shows (i kinda hate kids if you don't know), but since it was free, ok lor. =|

no regrets though! anna kendrick was a pleasant surprise. (she's in twilight and quite pretty! i like!) and there are lots many a few drool-worthy 帥哥s. i super like! ^^v
ANNNNDDDD. quite recently i ran out of things to do, so i watched whatever harry potter movie i could find on ipad's funshion. which happened to be half-blood prince. which got me hooked on the next installment - deathly hallows. and so! i read the book. yes i had the brand new book for AGES and i didn't touch it until now. lols.
enjoyed the book a lot a lot, the movie not so much, and now i'm in the midst of watching all the movies right from the beginning. i'm also planning to force SSD to watch all 8 movies, hoping he'll catch the HP bug, so that he'll enjoy the HP exhibition. if we ever go.
wish me luck! =)
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