went town to celebrate jolin's birthday. sowie jolin, i had to trick you there. although u kinda guessed it in the end, i hope you liked the little surprise we had for you. =)
so hard to find a place for dinner. food republic first and then finally settled on pepper lunch. first time eating that. quite nice leh. i want go eat again! lols. had fun talking over dinner. eh ruilan, remember we say want 4 of us eat together? finally can le. hahas.
walked around abit after dinner. under the influence of ruilan, bought a cup of tiramisu. the choc on top looks so so yummy. hehes. but i haven't eat yet. it shall be my breakfast later on. lalala~
headed over to dunno what place for dou hua. lols. the shop's called rocher original beancurd. i got take notice leh! haha. the dou hua was pretty smooth, the you tiao nice nice also. got many many people lor. another pretty nice place for supper. =) da bao-ed 2 bowls back to humor my parents, cos i had this premonition i was gonna reach home after 12am. lols.
after that bus-ed down to little india to change buses home. ruilan and jolin say they want go toilet, so we walked all the way to the mrt station. on the way back, we stopped in the middle of the underpass and took pics. yay! lols. lucky is late at night, not much people walking past. i think we stayed there pretty long right? but sad lah, those pics i took..only a few nice enough to be published here. =\
went back home after that. true enough, i reached home around 12.30am. lols. dou hua saved the day! =D

i think i wanna chiong level up in maple today. so yep, bye guys. ^^
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