been so many years since i last dyed/highlighted my locks and this CNY i decided to give it a try again. red seemed to be in (for hair color) recently and i love red hair actually and red is supposed to be my lucky color next lunar year. sooooooooo...

of cos i wasn't expecting mine to turn out like the box. my hair wasn't even dark brown; it was BLACK.

the stuff inside:

didn't bother snapping the process cos i did it like, 12am? it's quite troublesome to use actually, either because i don't know how to, or my hair is too long. i dumped a lot of the mixture at the top of my head (cos it's the easiest), and merely coated the bottom part. i guess i used too little of it; one bottle was supposedly not enough for my waist-length hair but i shared this one with my mum.
end result? my mum had zero dye effect. lol. mine was around 30%? as expected, the red is visible at the top part but the rest is just...pathetic. don't even wanna do before-and-after cos i doubt anyone can see the difference. :(
should have paid $4 more for the liese one. morale of the story - let the salon do the job. sigh.
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