Loving all the FB updates abt National Day this year, it’s making me excited for the big day! Proud to be an #NDpeep!
Good things never last long enough. Get your #SubwayBeefPastrami before it runs out! Limited time period only!
Find out what kind of man you are and unleash the real man inside you with #DettolMen!
Ready for adventure? Come visit the newest world exclusive Grizzly Gulch in #HongKongDisneyland
Dove is giving away free Dove Hair Fall Rescue Hair Tonic starter kits! #sharethedovesecret now!
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Find out what kind of man you are and unleash the real man inside you with #DettolMen!
Ready for adventure? Come visit the newest world exclusive Grizzly Gulch in #HongKongDisneyland
Dove is giving away free Dove Hair Fall Rescue Hair Tonic starter kits! #sharethedovesecret now!
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THANK YOU MENTHOLATUM! ^^ for sponsoring me more lip balm/gel. especially after i had finished the strawberry mogitate kajitsu one and my lemon one got washed in the machine. -_-
anyway, this is the latest product from mentholatum - the lip pure series. it comes in 3 variants - orange, fragrance free, and honey lemon. it is made from 100% food grade natural ingredients (no preservatives and colorants), and is safe even for people with sensitive lips.
formulated with a gentle beeswax formulation that moisturizes and softens lips, it also contains:
- grape seed, to slow and prevent aging
- shea butter, to heal dry lips
- almond, which has vitamin E to nourish your lips
- jojoba, to smooth skin
- aloe vera, to soothe dry lips
1. lip pure honey lemon lip gel

provided a subtle shine to my lips (not too glossy) with the faint taste/smell of honey and lemon. something like the honey lemon drink you can get at chinese medical halls. i also noticed there's an even fainter smell of wax, which kinda turned me off a little. texture is kinda thick (as are all lipgels) and lips remained smooth even after wiping the gel off. i'll probably use this more often than the other one. =|
2. lip pure fragrance free lip balm

i like the elegant lipstick design! ^^ this one also gives the subtle shine to my lips, although not as much as the gel. the taste/smell of wax is slightly stronger here. less messy than the gel cos there's no risk of accidentally squeezing too much out. the stick glides smoothly across my lips and there's no heavy, sticky feeling. i think people with really sensitive lips can consider getting this; it looks/feels/appears to be so natural! =)
the mentholatum pure series retails at S$7.90 each at watsons, guardian, fairprice, and all major supermarkets and departmental stores. get yours now!
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