overdue post lol. having spent the last few weeks hooked on reading organizing blogs, i've been looking around my room for any organizing opportunities myself! main sources of inspiration came from mini manor blog, hi sugarplum, and pink postcard. but of course, their houses are much bigger and they have more space to play around with, and they are stay-home mums so they have more time on their hands. *grumbles*
but anyway, i got so motivated by their homes that i finally decided to get started on re-organizing the stuff in my room. if you don't know, i have so little storage space and so many things, that over the years months, they just start to pile on top of one another.
my wardrobe is one place that i can never keep tidy. *ashamed* this time round, i merely cleaned it out, lined the shelves with pretty (and useful) linings, and threw out a few clothes for donation. i daren't show you all my bursting-to-the-beam wardrobe but at least i know now that though it's still chock full of stuff, it looks neat and tidy. to a certain extent. drawers are much prettier though.

i have this little corner at the end of my bed, where my huge hello kitty sits amidst my pile of bags, and i've been wanting to better utilize this space. so i dropped by spotlight and got myself this 2 huge big containers with wheels. dumped some of my lesser-used stuff, like bedsheets, into one container, and some of my often-used bags in the other. rolled both under the bed and voila~ drawers! lol.

'prettified' a S-hook to hang my bag, and dumped the mat under the table. i now can have a nice, soft, and comfy (and cheap!) mat to rest my poor feet when i work on the computer. ^^

i think...i'm pretty okay at organizing but doing horrible in beautifying it. i suck in creativity. =( let's just hope it'll improve or i get enough ideas by the time i get my own flat! *cross fingers*
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