Happy CNY! Hope you all had loads of angbao. This year was a quiet affair, since we couldn't go visiting. Which was actually welcoming for me cause firstly, I was (still) sick. And secondly, I wasn't in the mood lol. Shall make it my goal to escape overseas every year from now on! =X
I quite like CNY this year. Last Friday (初一), I spent majority of the day at home, nua-ing and bathing the dog. Then popped over to SSD's place for awhile, before he came to mine.
And on 初二, we all popped over to grandma's place. I got to bring Popo, along with her pretty new ribbon and bell! I wish I could bring myself to dress her up in pretty clothes, but personally I think dogs look silly in frilly skirts or dresses. And definitely not in this weather, even though she's single-coated.

She wasn't used to the ribbon so I removed it after all the guests left. I guess natural is the way to go lol. Anyway, everyone loved her, especially the kids. I was a little not very happy because it wasn't hard to see that Popo was stressed out by the amount of attention she got. But none as bad as today (初三). My dad's friends came over and one had a little girl who went a little crazy with Popo.
She kept trying to get Popo to fetch and initially she entertained. But later she got bored and irritated and kept trying to avoid the little girl. Annnnddd the girl kept chasing her around. I was a little pissed too since she kept staying in my room and asking me questions. -_-
She's a pretty nice girl though, just that I reeeaaalllyyy don't like kids. Nor do I like seeing my baby stressed out like that. Next time they're coming I'm bringing my girl out.
She kept trying to get Popo to fetch and initially she entertained. But later she got bored and irritated and kept trying to avoid the little girl. Annnnddd the girl kept chasing her around. I was a little pissed too since she kept staying in my room and asking me questions. -_-
She's a pretty nice girl though, just that I reeeaaalllyyy don't like kids. Nor do I like seeing my baby stressed out like that. Next time they're coming I'm bringing my girl out.
Oh wells. Didn't get a lot of angbao this year. But Popo got a few! I think they're enough to cover next week's swimming session as well as the 2 toys I ordered for her. Speaking of which, I'm super excited about those toys. Can't wait to let Popo play. I hope she likes them. =)
2 more days before work starts. Not looking forward!
2 more days before work starts. Not looking forward!
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