I was working on one of my reviews when I saw this draft and realized I have yet to publish this post lmao! And we're already planning our first wedding anniversary celebration. Oops.
So on 28 October last year, we had our solemnization. Coincidentally, it was also my birthday HAHA! Ever since the proposal the year before, we had more than a year to plan and prepare. But we procrastinated, so it was quite a rush to research and decide on everything in the last few months.
So on 28 October last year, we had our solemnization. Coincidentally, it was also my birthday HAHA! Ever since the proposal the year before, we had more than a year to plan and prepare. But we procrastinated, so it was quite a rush to research and decide on everything in the last few months.
Anyway, it was held at One Rochester, a rather popular ROM/wedding venue due to its outdoor pavilion. My last choice actually lol. I had wanted places like the zoo, birdpark or on a yacht, but they burst our budget. Although in the end we still burst it. =\
There was a wedding coordinator Wee to assist us in planning, coordination, and even emcee-ing on that day itself. At first we felt he was quite bo chup about our ROM, but it turns out we were overly anxious. It actually felt like everything went okay on that day, but SSD commented he wasn't really around to help much. *shrugs* They also did my hand bouquet, which kudos to them because I was very particular about it. Even though it wasn’t exactly what I wanted (I admit the one I wanted is very hard to duplicate), thanks for trying lol.

Got there pretty early since my makeup artist Eileen had to do my mum’s makeup too. Sidetrack a bit, when I first met her for my trial, I was actually very apprehensive about her skills. But at the end of it, I was quite impressed. I really liked the eye makeup she did for me! Her prices are reasonable too.

Halfway through my makeup, the photographer Edmund came. I found him to be quite nice and easy to work with. He was pretty friendly and chatty, and was able to bring up the fun atmosphere. His suggestions for funny and quirky poses made photo-taking much less awkward and formal. Great for people who go stiff in front of the camera. Like me lol. He's pretty hardworking too; shooting all the way and only getting food to eat when most of the guests have left. He did popular blogger Bongqiuqiu's wedding too. =)
I brought Popo along. She was actually my ringbearer, a secret I tried to keep since I wanted it to be a surprise. Spent the past 5 months reinforcing her “Come” cos I was afraid she might freak out. And she did lol. Tied the rings (rather ugly-ly) to her collar. I doubt anyone saw them.
My gown and SSD’s outfit were bought from A Love Affair. If you’re only wearing it once, don’t buy. It’s such a hassle to dry-clean and keep. But I had to buy since I was wearing it twice (once for my pre-engagement shoot).
And while I was upstairs putting on the finishing touches, guests downstairs were watching a montage of selected pre-engagement shots. I hope they enjoyed it.
Share share a few of my favorites. The other gown I rented from Bliss Bridal. They had very little dresses which caught my fancy. This was the best one already. =( Anyway, we did the photoshoot in Johor Bahru, and engaged Anmdeos to shoot for us. The makeup artist was his friend. He brought us to 3 locations, including a horse ranch. The horse belongs to my good friend’s good friend, so don’t bother asking me for the contact. =P

The march-in! I was damn gan jiong I tell you. So afraid I would trip and fall and embarrass myself lol.

Our JP (Justice of Peace) Mr. Simon Sim! He’s very nice and friendly! Met us some time ago to brief us on the documents and procedure, and did a short personality test for us too. His speech wasn’t as long as expected, and soon the ringbearer came in, we said our vows, and exchanged rings.

Is it standard protocol to hold the cert and take photo? I find it very toot leh. Not nice one. LOL.
And went back in for lunch. It was quite a mess inside as we didn’t allocate seats and everyone was all over the place. Many guests didn’t turn up too so we had quite a lot of empty seats. So disappointing. T_T I didn’t get to eat much unfortunately. All the food looked damn good lah. (By the way we had so much food left but they didn’t allow us to bring back. So wasteful!)

Sat around to entertain guests and before long, Wee prompted us for our second march-in! Then we had our cake-cutting, champagne toasting, and toss of bridal bouquet. No idea why Edmund didn’t get any tossing shots. =(

Some shots from a nicer part of the venue.

And some inside, where there was the perfect backdrop.

And so, the end! Months of preparation for this, and over in a blink of an eye. I was really happy to see the friends, and even ex-colleagues, who turned up. It was a Monday, so I’m really touched that you guys were willing to take leave, MC, or just taking time out to come. And special thanks to Wan Ting for handling Popo for me! ^^
Now it’s time to save money for my wedding photoshoot and dinner in 3 (or 4) years’ time! =P
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