so my birthday is over and done with, and i am officially 25. a quarter of a century. that's scary. it was a quiet affair, with class in the 'morn-noon' and buffet dinner afterwards. and the best present i received this year, is this.

love letter and photo frame from zhu, amongst a couple more stuff. haha ok seriously 感動-ed when i saw them. i'm so thankful to have her in my life! i mean, 12 years of friendship - npcc days, drama club days, poly days, work life, and our recent activity spam. she's probably seen the very worst of me and still willing to be my friend! lols.
even though she's younger (by a month), she acts more old mature and i wanna shout, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT AND ADVICE AND HELP AND WHATNOT ALL THESE YEARS! if you were a guy i'll marry you. really. =)
in fact yesterday morning she asked me to make a wish and i thought, it doesn't really matter if i pass the assessment or not, since i'm not planning to continue. but zhu needs to pass cos she wants to learn cantering and i don't want her to waste time/money in beginner again. SEE I SO GOOD RIGHT?! in the end she pass but still want to take beginner plus. chey!
lols. anyway, buffet dinner was at kuishinbo suntec. initially wanted to try shooting the buffet tables to show you all, but i was almost hyperventilating when i saw the greens, potato salad, pasta, sashimi, and so many other things, that i decided i'll just snap whatever i took. after these few shots, i totally forgot. LOL.

must must take the snow crab legs. to make your money worth. and i think they're having the salmon fest or whatever, so they had quite a lot of salmon dishes. i especially liked the potato salad and cream salmon pasta. i took 2 servings each! lol.
then nearing the end of our dinner, we heard the supposedly-famous kuishinbo jingle being played. none at my table knew about it, so thankfully i had read about it on their website. the jingle actually signals the limited serving of a special food item. i think we managed to get 3 or 4 bowls of the peach (i think) pudding or something. but not very nice though lolol.
alas, this meal made my riding lessons seem cheap. $475 for 9 of us, with 2 senior citizens having 10% discount. overall i think, while i enjoyed the dinner, i won't be returning anytime soon. (actually i will, cos they gave me free buffet for 1 pax.) but for authentic japanese buffets, i would still recommend riverview hotel's, and for international, i can't seem to forget buffet town. =D
after-buffet times like this, i miss the muay thai workouts. boo.

running out of space. =)
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