so today (ok make that yesterday) was our 2nd anniversary together. time flies so fast eh? =)
this year's dinner wasn't as romantic as last year, although we also had japanese food, albeit budget one. lol. i think after eating sushi express, nihon mura doesn't seem to appeal much to me anymore. too much rice and oh-so-common toppings. i miss SE's grilled salmon belly! *drools*

guess where we went after that? JURONG POINT! yes all the way there. remember i mentioned back then that i was looking for this stitch plushie? SSD found it! ^o^

smiley face on its backside is super cute la!! lol.
p/s. did the stitch photo using photoshop. like, FINALLY! (fireworks, why you no working?!) don't see it so simple, took me almost two hours just to figure things out! with the help of youtube of course. but it has gone through so many resizing that it appears blur. *sad face* now i understand why people say using photoshop is tiring.
oh wells. november is gone, december is here. need to chiong report liao. sobs.
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